How do I get started?

February 24, 2016

Are you ready to Train Like an Athlete? Here’s what you need to do:

STEP 01 – TLA Starting Block

Complete the Starting Block to prepare for TLA sessions (mandatory for all new clients).
4 one-on-one sessions & 1 group performance session
$259 + taxes


STEP 02 – TLA Performance

After the starting block you’re ready to train.

Choose from 1 to 3 sessions/week (or unlimited if you’re up for it). The optimal times to register for Performance sessions are at the beginning of April, July, Sept & January. These are the entry points for each Micro-cycle (see below)

We all agree that athletes have the most natural and beautiful looking bodies, flowing gracefully from muscle to muscle as a finely tuned system for athletic achievement.

Athletes achieve this through the use of what is called a micro-cycle: TLA uses 4 seasonal twelve week micro cycles per year. Each micro cycle is a multi dynamic training plan aimed at getting results within a specific time frame. This is the technique that TLA uses to give you that beautiful, natural poised athletic body. Train like an Athlete will give you both the body and mind of an athlete.