Yep, I am part of a family business that imports scotch (RARE DRAMS ye ken) to B.C & Alberta. Yep, I was just recently in the beautiful island of Islay in Scotland with my mum (pictured here alongside yours truly) and my dad (taking picture) with the soul purpose of tasting as many different whisky’s as possible from the famous distilleries of Bruichladdich, Bunnahabhain, Caol ila, Bowmore, Lagavulin, Laphroig and Ardberg. And yep I have turned the TLA/Micro Footie office into a scotch room where clients can sit down and if the desire is there, pour themselves a dram. People may might suggest this enthusiastic love for whisky is a bit contrarian to the healthy lifestyle I promote. I say rubbish and just view on:- you may be pleasantly surprised – …
With Christmas approaching pour yourself a dram or two: Slainte Mhath.
R E C O V E R Y S T R E T C H T H E R A P Y w/Scotty
A new exciting trial feature at TRAIN LIKE AN ATHLETE
*Scotty McGinley will be developing a new role within TLA as our exclusive in house
Recovery Stretch Specialist
Recovery Stretch with Scotty is an inclusive component of the new 2017 programming to Silver and Gold clientele. Scotty will be available every Wednesday at select times between 6am-10am to privately treat adult clientele with FST stretch sessions and other recovery modalities. He will also be available from 4pm-6pm to treat our youth athletes. Clients can schedule Scotty privately (recommended) or get individually treated and stretched in between their workouts.
Just imagine. You are feeling tight hamstrings or shoulders. Usually you would just do a few stretches or wait it out and see what happens. Not anymore. Book your stretch session(s) with Scotty and he will take you to the scotch room while Jason is training clientele and sort it out. Feel fantastic for your big match or living.
Please note: The FST stretch sessions is a one of kind in-house service usually reserved for professional athletes. Every TLA client: if they are feeling any knocks, sore points or tight areas which need addressed should take the opportunity and book a private recovery appointment. This is the ultimate in pre-habilitation. The FST sessions do not count as a training session and are considered a bonus of being a TLA silver of gold client. (drop in clientele do not count for this service) Clients can use the FST sessions as frequently as necessary. I have done a session and can verify how effective they are which brought on the idea.. The only caveat is clients must book. I will have a diary in the scotch room. Just add your name or email Scotty. Sessions must be done on the half hour between 6-10 am (Adult) and 4-6 pm (Youth athletes) on Wednesdays only. No exceptions
R E C O V E R Y S T R E T C H T H E R A P Y w/ Scotty
If u had a blank canvas and could fill with an ideal training week how would this ideal training week look?
Whether it was running, cycling, lifting, movement or football skills I know I would have just one criteria.
The criteria: To be in an environment that switches me on.
A few evenings ago I had a football (soccer) practice with a group of very wild boys.
Wild boys you say! How wild? I could only politely describe this group one way.
These are the kind of boys that George Orwell wrote about in the novel Animal Farm.
In the past I had seen these particular boys decimate the ego’s of grown well educated men with their dodgy behaviour and disruptive antics of mischief.
In a past album Beyonce claimed to be fierce. Uh, uh. That ain’t fierce. These lads were fierce.
So fear mongering was this team coaches would take turns just so they could avoid training these boys.
I knew I was next.
Team A.F. didn’t disappoint. From the get go it was game-on.
When I gathered them around to discuss the lesson plan they were flicking their buddies ears, bouncing balls and looking at me like I was the stupidest man on the planet.
After this painful introduction of utter uselessness I got them going. In the very first exercise they were given boundaries to stay within.
Within 10 seconds a quarter of the group went running past the boundaries, another quarter of the players were randomly kicking their balls high in the air. Meanwhile, the other half looked as if they would rather be anywhere else in the world. Their body language suggested a sewing class would be more enjoyable.
Even worse, all the parents were watching. (The parental attendance watching our practice in particular was unusually high. I think it became ongoing entertainment for the parents to see their children make grown men whimper so effectively )
There was only thing I could do. I had to switch them on.
The first thing I did was get them together in a huddle and give them what I call a pleasant row. In front of their parents I told them they would be an embarrassment to their own blood line if they carried on this way. I told them that if they decided to misbehave in my session they could sit down and watch (it was belting of rain). By this point they were a wee bit scared and definitely switched. Quite pleasantly so were their parents. You could almost hear the parents think “my Johnny better not embarrass me.” Now that they were switched I had to flick the switch up to on. At this point I used all of my coaching experience to get them moving.
By the end of the hour it turned out to be a brilliant session. The wild boys were taking absolutely every piece of activity and coaching advice into their rebellious wee hearts. The energy previously expended into being disruptive was now catapulting forward to developing. The boys were learning–they were giving it–and they were playing hard. At the end each player shook my hand and said thank you with the fateful words…”see you next week coach.”
For all I know they might be planning the entire upcoming week at school lunch on how to get coach Jase back. Regardless, for this week at least, I enjoyed the experience.
Going back to the original part of the story and the whole point of this post really:
If this particular group of boys were not in an environment that switched them on the end product would never have happened. They would not have had a good training session–they would not have sweated like they did–they would not have learned like they did–and they definitely would not have been as engaged.
This is important to digest because for the majority of us, training is just not fun. There is other things we’d rather be doing. (Dentist/talking to your Aunt/board games!!!) If exercise wasn’t meant to be so damn good for us, any sane person would rightfully avoid the self inflicted masochistic torture altogether. However, when you are switched on I cannot think of anything better. (Ok, ok I can think of one thing better).
Anyway @ TLA we switch you on.
I believe every high level soccer player needs to be mentored.
It is a facet lacking in today’s game for the modern player.
An opportunity to develop individually.
Most clubs have a technical academy. But mentorship. Not a chance. That’s a luxury for Olympic athletes and tennis players.
However, mentorship should be a necessity for the high level soccer player. A norm. Players need a chance to be themselves. To advance without a team agenda. An opportunity to become in tune with their position & individual movement. A chance to refine and refresh their mental game. A chance to become responsible for their own performance.
Most players are not doing this. It’s just not available.
Mentorship is earned & to be effective the soccer player must trust you. This puts TLA in a unique position.
The TLA studio is in it’s 13th year. We know what works from a strength and conditioning angle. We do it full time. ——Movement, nutrition, strength, power, speed, etc.–TLA participates in a yearly mentorship with Athletes Performance (we also need to keep sharp) and have a gym stocked with equipment that will make you an athlete. We also have a nutritionist and a flexibility expert. In our mentorship sessions we assess, video, and put you through drills that will make you literally explode off your feet. Can a technical director offer you this? You tell me.
Then, there is the coaching.
*Jason Kyle has recently been technical director for two different clubs and back in the day played a reasonably high level. He started a soccer league in the East Van area called micro footie which has a yearly registration of 1000 players. Jason is a FIFA B licence & TLA owner.
*Mawuena Mallet was a TLA youth player several years back and after finishing his degree with a soccer scholarship is now back as a head trainer .
*Taylor Dickau just spent last summer teaching students full time, worked alongside technical director in Vancouver and is currently completing his Kinesiology degree.
*Scotty McGinley is our mobility and video analyst and head trainer. He looks at players movement patterns and through observation and correction has players moving like athletes.
From our wee spot in East Vancouver we have had 6 clients sign pro contracts, students achieving soccer scholarships, and players literally flying during games & tournaments following our mentorship sessions. Guess what? We are currently looking for our new wave of TLA players. The kind of player who is playing at one level and wants to take it to the next one.
Are you interested?
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