2014 Training Update

February 27, 2014

 Train(ing):the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching or practical skills.Training has specific goals of improving one’s capability, capacity, productivity and performance.

Train like an Athlete will be updating our current training system combining performance coaching with training. We believe our current system of creating just good workouts is becoming passé. Instead, we want to position ourselves uniquely by taking a continued modern approach to training

The updated TLA method will include.

*Training & coaching the client, both inside & when requested, outside the workout. (see def.above)                                                                                                                                 *Designing programs focussing on improved performance.
*Instilling recovery techniques for well being.
*Developing exercise programs that leave clients athletic.                                                *Training the client with specific goals specifically on lifestyle & athletic management. *Creating client empowerment with our new consultancy service.


As part of the weekly workout programming there will be subtle alterations. This will include specific interval heart rate programming, fewer but more sets on the results exercises, specific mobility and recovery work, as well as improved individualization. The days of having you just fly around from one exercise to the next without much thought will be of the past.


In the new set up, one trainer will train a handful or less of clients for the entire workout.By coaching with such a small number at one time we can load, judge fatigue, as well as individualize better for sustained results.

TLA Consultancy                                                                                                            

TLA Consultancy is for clients who want additional customization by complimenting goal setting with either health and lifestyle management or athletic mentorship. Ideal for the client who wants to feel empowered outside the gym. Part of this consultancy can include:   planning exercise & recovery strategies in a busy training week, goal setting, creating effective workouts for the time strapped individual, providing guidance and designing a lifestyle plan for the individual who either doesn’t have the time, doesn’t know how, or wants to follow a schedule that is more results focused and motivated for them.

TLA consultancy is done by TLA owner Jason Kyle who will meet clients one on one.

Bodyfat testing & measurement                                                                         

Some clients love getting their measurements & body fat done. Some hate it. Regardless, doing body-fat testing takes time. For this reason Jason will offer body fat testing to interested clients the first Sunday of every month. A time slot will be required.


As we become more serious about your goals we hope you have the right tools to make this happen. If you need the help of a specialist seek it. TLA now has a referral base of consultancy for goal setting & motivation, nutritionist for health management/body composition, massage therapy for recovery & a physiotherapist for injuries.