Training Camp is about to begin.

An integration of power with movement with lean weight training athletically sequenced to the beat of a pounding heart rate.

I love Training Camp for  a variety of reasons.

*Training Camp means the weather has changed.

*Training Camp means the sessions take place both out & inside.

*Training Camp is a brilliant off season opportunity to fix compensations & increase range of motion.

*With the design of the programming training camp provides clients the opportunity to feel like athletes, not military personnel.

*The weekly sessions include dynamic movement– power & core outside, followed by a comprehensive progressive lean weight training program inside.

*Meanwhile, training camp allows clients to try new Spring- Summer Saturday programming including Black Swan ballet, beach running, & boxing.

Oh yes, this is how we love to train.

October 7, 2010

The new Train Like an Athlete schedule is up and ready! Please check out our Programs and download schedule for the TLA Women, Men or Soccer.
